Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Brief Overview of 2016

 It's pour rain, much needed here in California. We've had a 4 year drought that seems like centuries and the land so dry... now we've got lots of rain, some flooding in the low lands and a boulder fell off my hill. But Spring will be here soon and my roses will burst with joy when the sun blesses them. Our Luna Nueva Wellness Collective hosted my Herbal Workshop on Depression last year, with Laurel Bae assisting me with creating, presenting and sharing the wonders of Flower Essences and other healing herbal remedies. We focused on the Rose as a powerful Heart Healer and we really need this at this time. Our human-ness is fully expressed though the love emanating from our hearts and our sweet smelling friend, the Rose, amplifies our love both within and without...
 My father taught us about the hummingbird as our ancestor and great communicator of protection for our family. I have several flowers that the hummingbird loves and this one really attracts them, even this winter. I was pleased to see a hummingbird try to get sugar water from the hummingbird feeder my daughter gave me, but I prefer having the hummingbirds get their nectar from the beautiful flowers all around our home... Believe it or not this great beauty began blooming after our December frosts... kinda early, but who's gonna' complain? That same hummingbird quickly flew to my backyard to sip from these beauties and it gave us an opportunity to talk story with my nephew, Paul on Grandpa Rudy's great love of hummingbirds... if it's red, it must be grandma Mary!!!

I traveled to Japan and the Philippines last year and wish I took more fotos of the flora... but too busy keeping up with my daughter Aja to do so... here's just a sampling below...

& the Philippines up close!!!

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